Monday, February 04, 2008

Update: Why can't designers model in Revit (yet)?

Well, I am making progress in the translation of this class and expect to post it this month. I just got back the feedback responses from participants, as collected by ADSK and I am really pleased by the comments...the checks are in the mail!!!

Thanks to all who participated and to those who provided feedback. Perhaps ADSK will let me do more sessions in the future!!!

Even though there were preconceived notions as to the benefit of this session the reality was that it was (and is) a forum for positive change and inspired a lot of both thought and action...Without much further ado: Here's that feedback... (yes, it's a bit of an ego trip, but honestly it illustrates what not only I have to offer our world of BIM but what all of you bring to bare; as I see the results here as speaking as a microcosm of the entirety of the Revit community, illustrating the need and usefulness of pushing the envelope (sometimes in a confrontational manner, in order to get people's open listening)... BTW: I especially love the comment "Brilliant"!!! I think it was a brilliant session too...

  1. Have you heard of AU Unplugged before arriving in Las Vegas?

Yes -14 (74%)

No- 5 (26%)

No Answer- 0

2. Did you vote for any session to be included in the AU Unplugged scheduled?

Yes –6 (32%)

No-13 (68%)

No Answer- 0

  1. Please rate the following on a scale from 1 to 10. (a-e)

a. Overall satisfaction with this session. 8.68

b. Format of this session. 8.89

c. Session leader’s knowledge of topic. 9.05

d. Sessions leader’s effort to engage participants 9.31

e. The benefit or value (information, contacts, etc.) 8.73

You gained from this session.

  1. Would you recommend this session or one similar format to others?

Yes –18 (95%)

No- 1 (5%)

No Answer- 0

5. What did you most like about this session?

Interactive, open, honest

Open, honest, healthy

Good discussion

Discussion and idea flow


Open exchange

Wide Spectrum of personalities/experience that attended

Good discussion

Free discussion and debate

Open discussion

The open discussion and knowledge of the attendees


Interactive rather than just listening

Open Discussion


Open Dialog

6. What did you least like about this session?

Too short

Trivial topic

Off topic at times

The group was not a good match for the topic

Hw at times people pulled the conversation to the technical

Schedule conflict w/classes


Not enough seats

Could talk express my thought without stepping as others


Longer more session

I think the idea is great

More unplugged sessions

More of them

Schedule times to not conflict with added perhaps as breakfast and lunch sessions

Publicize and list schedule in augi daily sheet Just keep doing it

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