I received the following questions and thought it most effective to post the answers here, so more people can get (more) informed... Following the questions and answers you will also find the link and embedded class handout, so do enjoy. You can also find the class recording on the Autodesk University website but the audio is horrible due to their lacking internal technical setup, so I am not posting that...too bad also, since it was a great session...-maybe next time ;-)
Hello Jay,
I was reading your AU2012 presentation and
have a question for you. On page 25, there’s an augmented reality of the
drawing. I’ve been playing with augmented reality for a bit, but was
wondering what you used to create that? I was thinking a great idea would
be to print one of these tags on the sheet, but not sure how easy it is to
align the scale of the model with the drawing and location of the
drawing. If you could share what you used to get that
(software/plug-ins/app) and any issues you had, I would appreciate it. Thanks
in advance for your thoughts…
Thank you to C. O. for the questions and glad it seems to be getting out there and helping...here are the answers:
-Thanks again Darren Roos (the VR were part of his portion), Marcello Sgambelluri and Troy Gates for all their help and input in making this a quite useful session for BIM & AECO!
Hello Jay,

Thank you to C. O. for the questions and glad it seems to be getting out there and helping...here are the answers:
- The one that makes the model pop out of the paper is ViewAR: http://www.viewar.com/
- The one that is the Navisworks viewer on the iPad is Autodesk's BIM 360 Glue: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/autodesk-bim-360-glue/id554629830?mt=8
- And the one I showed you in your office that links images to videos/models is Aurasma: http://www.aurasma.com/
- The other software I showed at AU was Assemble: http://www.assemblesystems.com/ and VCAM: http://www.orangeconstech.com/vcam.html