If you have ever searched Revit's Help system for a way to create multiple page PDF's you were probably upset to find there is no way: One can only print single page PDF's natively from Revit. BTW, This is really slow.
The multiple page document 'printer' is DWF export... So if you are thinking what I am (even if you're not, but you still need multi page PDF's from Revit) then try the following technique. I did and it not only works great but much faster than printing single page PDF's from Revit; it took substantially less time to DWF export an entire set and then print that to PDF than it took Revit to print a fraction of those same sheets as individual PDF's!!! Propriatorship has it's priveleges...Well now onto business.
1) GoTo FILE / EXPORT DWF (2D or 3D)

2) Make any necessary setups and page choices (Then of course save the DWF)!!!

If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Writer I suggest you get it.
There are other PDF creators out there and I'm sure a quick internet search will sniff out some free ones but nothing is ever as as good as the original...Unless, of course it is better.
Happy New Year!!!