Ok, OK, John Raiten, BIM Coordinator @ Hill & Wilkinson General Contractors supplied the winning tip; that will surely prove useful and an inspiration to think beyond our limitations...
Revit Coordination Tip: 3D Grid Callouts

- Create a custom “3D Text Grid” in Revit (using the line based Generic Model template) that shows a 3D Text in Plan and Elevation (both Front/Back & Left/Right)
- Create a Hidden Workset for these “3D Text Grids”
- Make a “3D Text Grid” to match all of the Normal Revit Grids on one level
- Copy those “3D Text Grids” to each level that is in your model (You may want to Align/Lock them if the Grids move depending on the current status/state of the project)
- Create a 3D view with only the “3D Text Grids” visible – turned on
- Export the ”3D Text Grids” for use in Navisworks
Great idea... I would also point everyone who finds this useful to a post by David Kingham where he shares a family (on AUGI) to do this type of thing. Reviteurs Rule!!! New-grids-in-navisworks-part-deux.
Greg Burr submitted this one:
Say you have two walls side by side and have a door or window inserted into one of the walls but you want the door or window opening to cut through the other wall as well. Simply use Join Geometry and join the two wall together.
From Marcos Santa Ana:
If you turn off the number bubble on a grid line you can use them to show up in elevations and section as property lines and setback lines. Just now have to figure our how to "PL-PL-PL-PL" for example.
Nice work by all for playing along!!! BTW: In regards to the PL thing, an idea I had was for one to also try:
Reference Planes (named) ...I know, I know you'd have to manage all the other Ref Planes to be worksetted, as to NOT be visible by default in all views, so one can turn on printing of these "property line" planes...Hey, it's just a thought!!!
- Create a family (line based) that is a very thin box (1/32") for instance, give height as well
- Place that on the Property Lines, locking them
- in the family, in the side views place an array of bits of lines and a symbol (PL) at desired spacing
- Give materiality, if desired to the 3D piece
- Workset these to NOT be visible by default in all views
An arcing family can also be created but the section views may get squirrely... It's a thought...