Writing a bunch, beta testing a whole lot & as usual work & family take a lot of time (this is a lame excuse for not posting lately).
I will have some awesome (to me at least) postings in the near future, so bare with me :-)... For now; here's a taste:
Detailing in Revit
There are several ways to detail in Revit and each can be used to reach differing solutions and each is suitable for different documentation, coordination & construction needs.
Detail Typologies
Details can be intellectualized as having two main Typologies, namely 2D & 3D.
• There are three main types of Two-Dimensional (2D) details.
• There are two main types of Three-Dimensional (3D) details.
Combining 2D & 3D details we can communicate Design intent, Coordinate projects & provide better, more efficient Construction Documents, telling the design story more effectively.
2D Detail Types & View Name Abbreviation Prefix(es)
DT Drafting View Details
DS Detail Sections
DH Hybrid Details
3D Detail Types
3M 3D Model Views
3T 3D Details
Detail Methodology
The first steps in any successful endeavor are planning: and detailing a project is no exception.
The quantity & types of details used in a project are to be planned for throughout the project, usually beginning in the early to mid SD phase with more refinement when planning the transition to the DD phase.
Further planning & process refinement is done prior to, as well as throughout the CD phase as well.
Planning details is tracked and managed from a Schedule View, using custom parameter values input to ensure that what has been planned is being addressed, by whom & what the status is at any one time.
This planning can be done exporting schedules to other database software but that is not recommended, due to the fact that data outside of the BIM project file is disassociated and can lead to undesired inconsistencies & worse yet, errors and would require a lot of re-creation & re-coordination.
Use Cases
Detail methodologies can be broken out for several use cases, including: Typical 2D Details, Project Specific 2D Details, Modified-Typical 2D Details, 3D Views & 3D Details.
3D views & 3D Details will be used in conjunction with the more historically commonplace 2D details, to powerfully augment the AEC process.
The Design and Construction teams will find both their understanding, coordination & visualization of specific conditions within the BIM project greatly rationalized, with extraordinary value when combined 2D & 3D information is leveraged in the AEC, BIM Design, Production & Construction processes…
The completion of this paper & more... "soon"...
I will have some awesome (to me at least) postings in the near future, so bare with me :-)... For now; here's a taste:
Detailing in Revit
There are several ways to detail in Revit and each can be used to reach differing solutions and each is suitable for different documentation, coordination & construction needs.

Details can be intellectualized as having two main Typologies, namely 2D & 3D.
• There are three main types of Two-Dimensional (2D) details.
• There are two main types of Three-Dimensional (3D) details.
Combining 2D & 3D details we can communicate Design intent, Coordinate projects & provide better, more efficient Construction Documents, telling the design story more effectively.
2D Detail Types & View Name Abbreviation Prefix(es)
DT Drafting View Details
DS Detail Sections
DH Hybrid Details
3D Detail Types
3M 3D Model Views
3T 3D Details
Detail Methodology
The first steps in any successful endeavor are planning: and detailing a project is no exception.
The quantity & types of details used in a project are to be planned for throughout the project, usually beginning in the early to mid SD phase with more refinement when planning the transition to the DD phase.
Further planning & process refinement is done prior to, as well as throughout the CD phase as well.
Planning details is tracked and managed from a Schedule View, using custom parameter values input to ensure that what has been planned is being addressed, by whom & what the status is at any one time.
This planning can be done exporting schedules to other database software but that is not recommended, due to the fact that data outside of the BIM project file is disassociated and can lead to undesired inconsistencies & worse yet, errors and would require a lot of re-creation & re-coordination.
Use Cases
Detail methodologies can be broken out for several use cases, including: Typical 2D Details, Project Specific 2D Details, Modified-Typical 2D Details, 3D Views & 3D Details.
3D views & 3D Details will be used in conjunction with the more historically commonplace 2D details, to powerfully augment the AEC process.
The Design and Construction teams will find both their understanding, coordination & visualization of specific conditions within the BIM project greatly rationalized, with extraordinary value when combined 2D & 3D information is leveraged in the AEC, BIM Design, Production & Construction processes…
The completion of this paper & more... "soon"...
can't wait