Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Revit For Newbies | Just Do Eat at RFO

As the years go on, in this whole thing we call BIM, AECO and Life; many of us are asked how best to learn software-X or similar questions. This posting should act as a great kick-start toward that end.

I am not getting tired of answering this type of question, as long as the folks asking such questions actually take the necessary steps and an active approach to their growth and education; rather than dreaming of "The Magic Wand" approach for getting education, or worse (as all to many people can be) learn the proper procedures, etc. then choose to ignore them.

With that said, here (well, by clicking the images below) are a couple of starting points (mandatory IMO) for all the newcomers to Revit. You will find a multitude of people's existing experience as well as a set of live, interactive question and response forums... This can get new and existing users -of all levels- closer to a state of Revit mastery. Create a free login and have fun!!! (Oh yeah, learn too)...

Notes to all those that are reticent to learn Revit (or at least the proper procedures in it) and/or those who don't see the need for BIM (whether Revit or other BIM authoring apps), I humbly but forcefully say:
  • Stay the course of 2D CAD workflows so those firms that do and or have adopted BIM can take all of your prospective projects. -The world may need less Architects yet more 'good' ones anyhow...
Yes, I do suggest that becoming more efficient and less wasteful as an industry implies "good".

Now onto business, If you are new to Revit or just want to get a start on becoming a Revit Knowledge Junkie hit the following images!!! Enjoy and thanks to all at TheRevitForum!!! FYI: If you are truly serious about learning Revit I am sure you will find the Live Sessions useful as well... In addition to this here blog of course ;-)