- Jay Zallan has been recognized by Autodesk as an Expert Elite Member. "I am quite honored; simply to be mentioned alongside the other distinguished Expert Elite members, some of whom I know personally to be the best of the best in their fields. I would like to additionally thank the entire Autodesk team for their recognition of my efforts, toward helping evolve AEC."

- Additionally Mr. Zallan has been added to the extraordinary lineup of speakers for the Third Annual 2013 Revit Technology Conference North America [RTCNA], to be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada July11th through Saturday, July 13th. "RTC is one of the best places to share ideas about not only Revit but BIM and AECO, as it focuses on bringing industry, thought and technical leaders together, providing all attendees a unique, intimate and focused conference, forwarding the efforts of these BIM leaders worldwide."

RTC | 75 Add-Ins: 75 Minutes
Here's what I will be presenting, come July... Yes, the image is a link to the schedule ;-)
-Two things up front:- I was asked to take this class over when the original speaker backed out for reasons unknown (to me). I am again honored that folks on the RTC Committee and in it's leadership thought of me when looking for speakers. It seems they feel that I can bring the goods and deliver a top notch presentation and I will endeavor to rise to this challenge once again.
- Don't worry, I will show 75 add-ins (at least) but we will go in-depth with a select number of those... you know: the ones that truly deserve a deeper look -and there are some, as you may (or may not) know!!!
Hope to see you at RTCNA!!!
Autodesk Expert Elite
"Autodesk Expert Elites are the top contributors to our community—Autodesk customers who regularly share valuable insights and expertise about how to use our products and services." -Autodesk
All I can say is THANK YOU!!! I am extremely and humbly honored!!!
Thank you to not only Autodesk and RTC for their fantastic recognition but also to all of you; who continue to read and support my BIM and AEC endeavors and provide a place for my voice(s) to be heard and possibly even allowed to help!!!