I am a sort of purist; being both an Architect (Officially when I complete the licensing tests later this year or next) and an Artist: So what does this mean, I am not so sure, only that being that 'purist' of sorts, when in Revit I work under the premise that No warning or error is a good one, so I get them resolved and keep them that way.
This is so important!!! I have even made RW the keyboard shortcut for it. My workflow with regards to these warnings is: if I don't see any on-screen warnings I still check at least 2-3 times in the morning and another 2-3 times in the afternoon. (I am sometimes so focused that the on-screen dialogs slip past, without me noticing (or caring, for the time being). On the other hand if I do see warning dialogs and still choose to TEMPORARILY ignore them I will RW ASAP and resolve every issue!!!
In my travels implementing Revit with multiple project teams, especially where many users are somewhat new to Revit I have found that there is a tendency to get quite surprised at the amount of Errors they have allowed (Yes, Allowed!!!) in their projects.
Best practice alert: Resolve warnings as soon as they come up!!! And when they do come up click the button pointed out subtly below.

These errors and warnings can lead to bloated file sizes and possible file corruption, as well as the dreaded lost project time spent fixing them, usually after hours. The good thing is that this should be a self-teaching-lesson for users: once they have to fix 200 or 800 or 3, 000 (See This AUGI Thread) they should have learned this lesson (or they may need "that" talk in the conference room, or office, with the door closed).
Now, if you have done this in the past you may have found it to be a pain in the ass since the dialogue box closes after each warning is resolved; If that is the case then Here's a link you'll probably love!!! It's another great resource for a more user-friendly way of dealing with these warnings. (Update for 2009: There is now an export function natively in the Revit warning dialog box, so use it!!!)
BTW: If you RW and your computer Beeps or just flat out ignores you that's a good thing: it actually means you have no unresolved warnings. YAAY.
Scared yet??? Get over it and work smart (er), This isn't Autocad!!! where sloppy drafting is mostly just an annoyance (BTW Autocad users: do you know "overkill"???)
Viva la revolution...Uhhh...I mean, Happy 4th of July & Be safe!!!