In Place Revit Family: The Floor
Well, I have been asked to show a colleague how to create a metal deck floor. YAAY!!!
First I asked the user (as you should ask yourself) if they (or you) actually needed it in the model or will illustrating the corrugation in a detail suffice: refraining from modeling this floor would keep the file smaller, more flexible and a bit more streamlined to edit, etc.
Well, the answer came back that they want it in the model, so here we go...
First I created a bogus project to illustrate the following procedures: I already have levels and grids so defining Work Planes will be simple: I will use Grid J (Hey, what a nice coincidence).
The 'Project' waiting for the 'floor'.
On the Modeling Tools choose 'Create'. This will begin the create an "In-Place-Family" portion of our show.
Choose "Floors" (somewhat obvious since we want to create a floor). This is going to make our In-Place-Family a Floor Family. Always remember that when creating any kind of family (In-Place or Component) you must choose a category; if one does not correspond to the object you are creating then use "Generic Models".
Name the family...Be specific so you can tell it apart from others you create!!! BTW: "Floor 1" is probably something I'd NEVER use on an actual know, do as I say, not as I do...(a day without hypocrisy is a day of hypocrisy)...???...
Now we're ready to model. For this we'll use a "Solid Extrusion" for the body of the floor.
Set the Work Plane (as I said I am using Grid J...Nice name...)
When I choose a grid, in order to draw perpendicularly to the plan view we are in (if we are in one) Revit will ask us to open a corresponding Elevation or Section View, so know your views!!!
Also remember to set the depth of the extrusion to a depth that will make it easy to see, you can stretch it's depth into final placement, easily enough, later on. I find it best, in many cases to stretch extrusions later (rather than calculating them up front) as it also makes locking it, much simpler.
7) Now that we're in 'sketch mode' draw the actual profile needed. Lines? How quaint...
When you're done drawing the extrusion's profile then "Finish Sketch" but don't Finish Family, yet. We still need to create a few voids (or would you prefer to use shaft openings? Well good luck getting shaft openings to cut the In-Place Floor: let me know how that works for you...if you try it).
BTW: notice I am stretching the extrusion length in the image below, right? You would lock it if needed.
Now create any Void Extrusions necessary. Note: I made them -2'-0" since they begin at the level and need to cut downward. Also the wedge shape needed to be a separate void and needed to leverage the Cut Geometry tool. Your results will vary, this is one of the times CTRL+Z becomes handy, quite possibly...
When you finish the voids then finish the family...and...voilà:
A Metal Deck Floor...Well OK maybe we didn't make the materials 'metal' (yet) but you get the point...Right?
Take Care,
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