Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What's the best computer to buy for Revit 2011?

That question is also asked as:
WTF computer do we buy for Revit 2011???
(Added April 2011: Now that 2012 is out go here: Whats the best computer to buy for Revit 2012)
I have gotten that question so much and expect it more so here goes... If you want to know what computers the experts recommend to buy for Revit 2011 I'd suggest the following as guidelines... As to manufacturers, that is more personal and let's not get personal here :-)

My recommendations:
OS = 64bit Mandatory
RAM = 16 GB Recommended; 8 GB Bare Minimum
Processors = Dual 6 Core Xeon Get the job done fast...-OK Dual Quad Xeons are OK too...
Video Card =
1TB, (I meant GB...Doh) If it's on the list below
Screens = Two 24" flat panels
(Yes 2 monitors for everyone!!! even for support staff, etc... this boosts productivity 20 to 50 percent!!!)

Workstations: Autodesk Revit Architecture System Requirements

Use the ADSK recommendations above and consider them as a baseline for your options... meaning if you can afford more then you should get more; how much more? As much as your budget limits allow... Do I want to have this machine for more than a year (or two if we're lucky)? That is always the question I ask myself; because software is always pushing computers, not the other way around.

Video Cards: Graphics Hardware List

Get the "Supported, Recommended" video cards or choose others at your own risk.

SURF ABOUT IN THE NUMEROUS ADSK DISCUSSION GROUPS or THE AUGI FORUMS to see (or actually search for) even more...


  1. As design software continues to get more and more advanced in the future. Instead of buying a new physical computer every 1-2 years we started RevUp VCS. Now designers can run all Autodesk, Adobe, and other software in their own high performance workstation in the cloud. More info here: http://www.revuprender.com

  2. Ummm....
    1TB of vRAM.... Maybe in 10 years or so.... I would reccommend dual 1GB cards (in SLI of course)

    16GB of RAM is excessive (we are talking 2011 here) I haven't seen Revit use more than 800MB...

    I have 12GB DDR3 and can have the following open... Revit 2011, ArchiCAD 13, Photoshop, Lotus Notes, Acrobat, Deep Exploration, AutoCAD 2011 - all open at the same time! and I don't even get to half... unless ArchiCAD is playing up... I have seen it use over 6GB of RAM...

  3. TIMBIM,
    My typo (obviously) 1 TB...that's even outrageous for me!!!

    Thanks for the helpful comments!!!
