I will add to this post later Thursday evening, so you can see what I'm talking about...rather what I will be talking about!!! Ready to be floored? ...I guess it's Thursday evening already!!!

OK here we go: a colleague asked about raised floors and we had a nice conversation about what to model, when and some options for floors that are raised above the level. The above examples illustrated some of the choices we have in Revit; shy of modeling (what we found later to be a raised computer room type of floor).
Floors on "Level 02, from the left:
1) 2 seperate floors; one as a 'finish' floor, one as a 'structure' floor. This lends flexibility for multiple finishes per room (or parts thereof) without using the split surfaces/paint bucket methods. I think real is often best...after all this is how it'll be built, right?
2) Standard floor (just for reference...a control group of sorts)
3) Same floor as #2 but with an Offset from Level to get the structure materials to top off at the level. (this is what we dimension to & how we construct, right?)
Floors on "Level 01, from the left:
4) Same floor as #2 but with a 1'-0" Offset from Level. (you know a 1'-0" raised floor)
5) one (of a million+) type of raised floor assemblies. (minus the extra pieces for the computer floor below. Many times, even if I ultimately will need the same floor assembly as below I will use a more generic or schematic approach, especially before Design Development...then
perhaps later in the project's development will we want to employ a floor more fully modeled...especially,
especially, especially if we haven't made a bunch of $$$ yet.
Hey, another Revitism (or is it an Architecturalism?)
Model what you need When you need it, not a moment before.So you say you are in DD and really feel it necessary to model it up? I hope your project isn't too large...or at least the amount of this floorisn't; If it is a large area and a large project don't say I didn't warn you not to!!! But if you use this make each piece as separate components and nest them into an assembly just watch for the pitfalls of having pieces overlapping...can you say 'yes/no' visibility parameters for the legs???
A few questions in regards to this type of model:
a) What happens when the size of the room doesn't exactly fit equal size panels?
b) What happens when the room isn't rectangular?
Yes, I know we can model those odd sized/shaped panels but you can see there may become extra work created by trying to model too much...remember be mindful of the project specifics...
I know you will!!!The following is an image of a nice family (I like nice families!!!) a fellow Revit Monster created for just such times; but I'll warn you that it requires careful considerations before using, such as project scale and the benefits of having all the extra 3D pieces all around the model. It can be useful for easier sections and details but again the appropriateness of this will vary project to project. Don't forget to model the components with symbolic lines to keep the 3D clutter down...
(thanks to John C. Raiten for the family image)