Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Browser Organization: Some Ideas

Do you need to break up your browser organization beyond the few options given Out-Of The Box in Revit? Well then here we go:

Then input the following:

That will add a new field to all your View's Properties.

Next Edit one of the existing browser organizations (NOT the "All" one though)
Be sure to Duplicate the one before editing!!!

This is where you'd Duplicate the Type you chose...I renamed mine VIEW TYPES, just like the parameter...are you getting the idea there's a method to this madness???

Click the Edit button next to Folders (you can mess with filters another time, we do not want any filters on this setup)

Set the following...

Now choose the new Organization Type from the Type Selector...
Oh SHIT!!! What are those ???'s...Never fear we just need to input the values for our new parameter, for every view...

Select the views you want to categorize, hit the Properties button and input a value in the VIEW TYPES field... I am using WORKING VIEWS AND SHEET VIEWS, but the possibilities are endless (and this is but one simple example on how to mess up your Revit project...uhhh...I mean help you streamline your project)...I say mess up because we must communicate to the team that we did this or they'll create views and not put a value to it and the ???'s will come back!!!

Voilà as we add a ton of views we can keep things straight, like having J's Views all list together!!! ETC., ETC...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ready to be floored? Strategies and Ideas

I will add to this post later Thursday evening, so you can see what I'm talking about...rather what I will be talking about!!! Ready to be floored? ...I guess it's Thursday evening already!!!

OK here we go: a colleague asked about raised floors and we had a nice conversation about what to model, when and some options for floors that are raised above the level. The above examples illustrated some of the choices we have in Revit; shy of modeling (what we found later to be a raised computer room type of floor).

Floors on "Level 02, from the left:
1) 2 seperate floors; one as a 'finish' floor, one as a 'structure' floor. This lends flexibility for multiple finishes per room (or parts thereof) without using the split surfaces/paint bucket methods. I think real is often best...after all this is how it'll be built, right?
2) Standard floor (just for reference...a control group of sorts)
3) Same floor as #2 but with an Offset from Level to get the structure materials to top off at the level. (this is what we dimension to & how we construct, right?)

Floors on "Level 01, from the left:
4) Same floor as #2 but with a 1'-0" Offset from Level. (you know a 1'-0" raised floor)
5) one (of a million+) type of raised floor assemblies. (minus the extra pieces for the computer floor below. Many times, even if I ultimately will need the same floor assembly as below I will use a more generic or schematic approach, especially before Design Development...then perhaps later in the project's development will we want to employ a floor more fully modeled...especially, especially, especially if we haven't made a bunch of $$$ yet.

Hey, another Revitism (or is it an Architecturalism?) Model what you need When you need it, not a moment before.

So you say you are in DD and really feel it necessary to model it up? I hope your project isn't too large...or at least the amount of this floorisn't; If it is a large area and a large project don't say I didn't warn you not to!!! But if you use this make each piece as separate components and nest them into an assembly just watch for the pitfalls of having pieces overlapping...can you say 'yes/no' visibility parameters for the legs???

A few questions in regards to this type of model:
a) What happens when the size of the room doesn't exactly fit equal size panels?
b) What happens when the room isn't rectangular?

Yes, I know we can model those odd sized/shaped panels but you can see there may become extra work created by trying to model too much...remember be mindful of the project specifics...I know you will!!!

The following is an image of a nice family (I like nice families!!!) a fellow Revit Monster created for just such times; but I'll warn you that it requires careful considerations before using, such as project scale and the benefits of having all the extra 3D pieces all around the model. It can be useful for easier sections and details but again the appropriateness of this will vary project to project. Don't forget to model the components with symbolic lines to keep the 3D clutter down...

(thanks to John C. Raiten for the family image)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Equal Dimensions on Both ends of a Dimension String??? Fuck Yeah!!!

Have you ever wanted a dimension string to have EQ. on each end of a string? Well, when those values are actually equal and you use Revit you can get it...How? I'm not saying...but I will say that our best friend (in Revit) can be the Right-Click...perhaps you see where I am going with this?

Frankly we should always have a sense of curiosity and rt-click and search the object properties... You never know what you can find until you find it!!! -Ohhh Yaay another Revitism...

OK, I will tell you after all: (obviously)...

1) Dimension the objects
2) Right click the dimension string and select EQ. Display

3) Run around the office yelling "Oh fuck yeah!!!"

Now there are limitations: it will only report EQ when either all objects are equal or the 2 opposing ends are equal. I have found no other occasions where this works, but that won't stop me from trying; It was just a few months back that I did that (used my curiosity and ignored what I 'thought' I previously "learned" or "knew") and stumbled into finding that Elevation Views can now be Duplicated, when they weren't previously (and oddly enough I never saw official documentation...hmmm)... Just watch out for the duplicated elevation markers hiding in the same location as the original ones!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why Can't Designers (Really) Model in Revit ...Yet?

Are you going to Autodesk University 2007? (AKA: AU or AKA: THE gambling & drunkfest...Uhhh I mean...a great place to learn and network). If so on Thursday November 29th 4:30 to 5:20+ pm, the Titian Room 2203 of the Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Earth, Milky Way... is where you want to be.

We will be Un-Conferencing and spouting off (politely discussing limitations and solutions as we see them) to ADSK; in regards to Revit's modeling capabilities, or lack thereof. I have the intention to become a positive force to affect change in how ADSK responds to industry needs and Revit's better-ization is a great place to start!!! If you are passionate about this (or just want to have a great discussion) then COME ON DOWN... If you can't make it there, then I invite you to add your comments to this post and I assure you that all good ideas will be brought up and discussed.

I will be creating a list of participants, who want to sign on to have the development teams (actually the product management teams as well) at ADSK hear our requests and finally act on them...

I'll also be creating a comprehensive list of all of the modeling tools, workflows and flexibilities that are required of a BIM software (but obviously and specifically Revit!!!); that is to be used in the production (let alone documentation) of the multiple disciplines & building types within Architecture.

Architects, Engineers and everyone else who show up in Vegas plus everyone who contacts me herein is invited to add to the discourse, so speak up, be heard and
transformation your own voice into a force for industry change, in your pursuit of true BIM projects.

Without further ado; here's the info on the session I will be leading:

Thursday November 29th 4:30 to 5:20+ pm, the Titian Room 2203 of the Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas

Why Can't Designers (Really) Model in Revit ...Yet?
(And NO!, it's not because Designers can't model in Revit: rather, it's because Revit Can't Model in Revit!!!)

Compound curves, lofts, parametric shape studies and manipulation; interactive/flexible shape editing...They are not available in Revit (or are barely developed); so, how can we get them there to the degree that we all dream* (*read as need)?

I think it is disastrous that these types of capabilities are not in Revit. This oversight in the development of Revit's modeling is making room for other programs to get huge footholds with designers everywhere. Since these capabilities are present in many software applications, and we all know about them...Rhino, Sketchup, Blender, even Microstation has generative components... Sh*@# even AutoCAD has a loft tool!!!

Not being able to model shapes comprehensively, for real and in Revit makes Architects (yes, MAKES us) use tools such as Sketchup. Sad but true.

Every Architecture firm, whether large or small, need complete modeling tools and ADSK & the Revit Development teams should respond to these needs! ASAP.

Join me in becoming a positive force toward transforming this oversight into a victory for BIM, Architecture, our practices and even ADSK, if they follow through...

Let's see if we can help it be realized, that there will be complete and comprehensive modeling tools & capabilities inside of Revit.

This and more will be explored and discussed so bring your lists and have fun!!!

I know I will...