Friday, June 26, 2009

Tweet Tweet: Twit or Twitter?

So I broke down and Twitted myself up. You can follow HERE, (or click the painting of the hand on the sidebar) if you like; I did and it's free...
Well truthfully, I am not following myself and really there will be costs to Twits everywhere!!!

More Twit Links:

The Python Folks

Twit TV

Miriam Webster's views

Python Scriptz

Pregnant Goldfish -Well, somewhere on this blog the word 'twit' comes up... like the main title.

Finally (I am over finding interesting twit sites for now) anyways, as I said; finally I searched for 'BIM and twits' and found among the throngs the following page (notice the $ amount of their services... yikes!!!) and then ask where the work is going... or not??? BIM services (from India)at affordable (I'd say ridiculous) rates (USD $10 to $15/hr) include: • 3D modeling • BIM • MEP • HVAC


  1. WOW! $15/hr... Makes you wonder what you get for that?

  2. I know what one gets for twice that $$$ so I can only imagine!!! Really though it's probably no worse than...
