Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What's the best computer to buy for Revit 2011?

That question is also asked as:
WTF computer do we buy for Revit 2011???
(Added April 2011: Now that 2012 is out go here: Whats the best computer to buy for Revit 2012)
I have gotten that question so much and expect it more so here goes... If you want to know what computers the experts recommend to buy for Revit 2011 I'd suggest the following as guidelines... As to manufacturers, that is more personal and let's not get personal here :-)

My recommendations:
OS = 64bit Mandatory
RAM = 16 GB Recommended; 8 GB Bare Minimum
Processors = Dual 6 Core Xeon Get the job done fast...-OK Dual Quad Xeons are OK too...
Video Card =
1TB, (I meant GB...Doh) If it's on the list below
Screens = Two 24" flat panels
(Yes 2 monitors for everyone!!! even for support staff, etc... this boosts productivity 20 to 50 percent!!!)

Workstations: Autodesk Revit Architecture System Requirements

Use the ADSK recommendations above and consider them as a baseline for your options... meaning if you can afford more then you should get more; how much more? As much as your budget limits allow... Do I want to have this machine for more than a year (or two if we're lucky)? That is always the question I ask myself; because software is always pushing computers, not the other way around.

Video Cards: Graphics Hardware List

Get the "Supported, Recommended" video cards or choose others at your own risk.

SURF ABOUT IN THE NUMEROUS ADSK DISCUSSION GROUPS or THE AUGI FORUMS to see (or actually search for) even more...

Friday, May 21, 2010

For all my (Structural) Friends...

The Revit Factory is surely busy and one of the great resources is The Revit Clinic... By clicking the image above you will get to a Structural specific posting regarding beam cutbacks, that many will find useful... That is if they use Revit Structure... Don't forget to surf the links therein...

Revit Architecture & MEP users/abusers will likewise find many many many postings there that will prove extremely valuable, so "word to the wise...".

Another resource for Revit Structure-ers is the book: Mastering Revit Structure 2010, by
Thomas S. Weir, Jamie D. Richardson, David J. Harrington The 2011 book will be out soon, I hear... (Update: See the comment section below this post... sad faces all around, as no 2011 book is planned... 2010 book will suffice for 99.875% of 2011 learning needs though...)
BTW: If you are in LA and come to one of our LARUGs, I am sure we can get him to autograph your copy, (as Tom and I are Co-Chairs I may have pull :-)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

AU and a cloud... Voting ends Friday, May 21

Below are the courses that I am hopeful of presenting at this year's AU 2010... wanna help (me)??? You can, if you can!!! Login to the Autodesk University Speaker Voting page(s) (HERE) Search for Jay Zallan under keywords or speaker... shameless, I know... anyhow; you will find the following courses that as elluded to, I have proposed ...and know will be kick ass courses!!!
  • From Programming to Presentation: Planning With Autodesk® Revit®Architecture
  • Functional Family Creation with Autodesk® Revit®
and the Unplugged \ Unconference session:
  • Hot Revit® Models: How to Become a "10"

Thanks to all who already have voted on these; every bit of support helps and is greatly appreciated Plus
the favor has been returned!!! )or will be)...


BTW: I am not making a shooting motion in the photo...perhaps...

Monday, May 10, 2010

WAFS not WTF's ...Globalize This!!!

Global (or at least multiple office) Revit Collaboration without FTP-ing files back and forth???
Getting possible finally!!!

Click the image above to play the video

Then Go To This Revit OpEd post to learn more...Steve, You're the man!!!

Friday, May 07, 2010

When Green goes Bad

Living Buildings: a dying breed already???!!!
Perhaps Black IS the new Green... Though I believe Black is the new Black.

The Image links to the full article ...so click it!!! FYI: I forgot to publish this a few months back... good thing the green fad hasn't died like this building's wall yet.

I say 'fad' & 'yet' because many people (including many in AEC) bandy about "green" (to get business perhaps), yet are themselves very unsustainable... Are the lights, computers, monitors in your firm off overnight??? Are you somewhere mostly sunny and yet have no solar panels??? Etc, etc, etc... We all need to get our Green Shit together. Hmmm Brown; the New Green...

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Slider Based Design Variations? These aren't burgers!!!

Parametric(s) and Parametricists Ahoy!!!

I was bumping around the Buildz site and came across a post talking about Performative Design and can only say: Oh Shit, That could be useful!!!

The next link coming gets you to the place to play with an example, from Andrew Marsh's website; Simple Parametric Modelling Experiment.

More great demos can also be found at Anar+

If you or someone you love is a programmer or wants to be, then I think this is definitely a great road to travel...

Monday, May 03, 2010

2 Miles in 2010 is 20 in 11: The Revit Import Limitation and more Revit 2011 Known Issue Solutions

Well, 2 miles is now 20 miles... CLICK ME TO SEE THAT and then CLICK HERE for more Revit 2011 Known Issue Solutions (Thanks Harlan!!!)

Hey ADSK,; What about getting it to where there is no import limitation? Like when the Civil datum point is hundreds of miles away??? It does happen... Can't we get this without jumping through hoops??? Maybe one day...

THIS PREVIOUS POST had the 2 mile issue with some solutions... -that may still be in play over 20 miles...